Why Breezly

Transactional emails are a drag

Transaction emails are an essential part of every application - you send them to welcome new users, to log them in, to confirm an subscription, the list goes on and on. But you don't actually want to work on emails, you want to work on your application, so the process of building and integrating transactional emails feels like walking through mud:

  • Finding pre-built templates to get started with

  • Setting up an email-development framework like MJML

  • Editing content inside your code and figuring out images

  • Sending yourself emails over and over again just to preview them

  • Integrating your transactional emails with your codebase

Not to mention having to jump back into that mess every time you need to update some language, add new data, or update a design. You just want to get back to building your actual application, but without good transactional emails users can get stuck, confused, or churn.

Breezly makes transactional emails an afterthought

Breezly is a CMS for your transactional emails, finally making them the one part of your application you don't have to worry about. It centralizes every part of your emails into a single interface to make creating, editing, managing, and integrating them a breeze.

  • Pre-built templates for all kinds of transactional emails: welcome, login, receipt, invoice, etc.

  • Integrates with MJML for straightforward email development & emails that look great in every client

  • Integrated with Svelte and custom fields for powerful templating and content management

  • Shows you an instant preview of your Email with dummy data

  • Directly integrates with your codebase so that changes get deployed immediately